Phylum: Charophyta Family: Desmidiaceae
Staurastrum uhtuense R. Grönblad 1921
First described and illustrated by Grönblad (1921: 60, pl. 5: 30). An update by Johnson (2023: 20).
Cells about as long as broad to marginally longer than broad. Sinus V- or wedge-shaped and always open, cell body is rectangular with long processes set at about 45 degrees. They have about eleven evenly-spaced denticulations circulating the processes, tipped with two medium-sized spines. The semicell near the isthmus has a broad protuberance supporting three denticulations, the centre one being largest. There are paired denticulations at the basal angles. The Loch na Creige population was found at the stoney, shallow, exit-end of an otherwise deep loch, with a slightly alkaline reading of pH 7.2.
Overall dimensions: L. 58-62 µm, B. 50-59 µm, Is. 7.0-7.1 µm, Th. 12.1-18.7 µm.
Complete taxonomic description: Staurastrum uhtuense.
Grönblad, R. (1921). New desmids from Finland and Northern Russia with critical remarks on some known species.
Grönblad, R. (1938). Neue und seltene Desmidiaceen.
Johnson, C.D.N. (2023). Staurastrum uhtuense Grönblad 1921. Desmidiological Communications 11: 20.
Krieger, W. (1932). Die Desmidiaceen der Deutschen limnologischen Sunda-Expedition.
West, W. & West, G.S. (1902). A contribution to the freshwater algae of Ceylon.