Phylum: Charophyta Family: Closteriaceae
Closterium closterioides var. intermedium (J. Roy & J.P. Bisset) J. Ruzicka 1973
First described by Roy & Bisset (1894: 252) as Penium libellula var. intermedium. It was later moved to its current position by Ruzicka (1973: 199, pl. 2: 23). The only different between this variety and the nominate is size, being less than half. These smaller cells could be confused with large cells of the similar Closterium navicula.
Cell dimensions: L: 90-130 µm; B: 19-25 µm; Ap: 8-10 µm; L/B: 4.9-6.
An acidophile that tolerated very slightly alkaline conditions. Found in peaty pools and loch-margins with vegetation. It's much scarcer than the nominate.
Brook, A.J. & Williamson, D.B. (2010). A Monograph on some British Desmids.
Coesel, P.F.M. & Meesters, K.J. (2023 second edition). Desmids of the Lowlands.
Roy, J. & Bisset, J.P. (1894). On Scottish Desmidieae.
Ruzicka, J. (1973). Die Zieralgen der Naturschutzgebietes "Rezbinec" (Südböhmen).
Van Westen, M. (2024). Sieralgen in Drenthe.