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Cosmarium botrytis Desmid Species Outer Hebrides

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Phylum: Charophyta   Family: Desmidiaceae

Cosmarium botrytis G.G.A. Meneghini ex J. Ralfs 1848

First described and illustrated by Meneghini in Ralfs (1848: 99, pl. 16: fig. 1). This species has spawned many varieties but the nominate variety is the most widespread. It should be compared closely with Cosmarium ochthodes.
Cell dimensions: L: 60-90 µm; B: 48-68 µm.; Is: 15-20 µm; Th: 30-36 µm, L/B: 1.15-1.30.
Rather common in slightly acidic to slightly alkaline waters, found in the plankton and marginal vegetation of lochs, and from atmophytic habitats.

Kouwets, F.A.C. (in manuscript) European Flora of the Desmid Genus Cosmarium.
Ralfs, J. (1848) The British Desmidieae.
West, W. & West, G.S. (1912) A Monograph of the British Desmidiaceae, Volume 4.